








时间的意义 第八篇




Endowing Shape (toffee chair)

The space projection of the fourth dimension


Endowing shape to time is close to the way to understand time. It also is limited by the properties of humans’ brains. Cyclical concepts and linear vector concepts of time are commonly accepted. An iterative concept of time is not infeasible to be constructed. What needs to be explored is not the result of endowing shape to time, but the structure revealed by the action itself, and also the recognition of the understanding of time.

A "metaphor" constitutes another connection point for endowing shape. Multiple images are introduced to understand time: river, clock, celestial run, etc. When put aside, abstract/figurative spatial metaphors, time seems to have become incomprehensible. If we say that this is due to its unspeakable quality aside of these, you can also think that language lacks the concept of the fourth dimension: Time can only be understood in the way of projection in space/metaphor. It also determines the relation among special things which appear in pairs or are associated.


extracted from part 8, chapter 2



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